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The Computer

Siobhan Sammon, age 10

IN the Spring of 1991 the parents and children had a brilliant brainwave that we should invest in a computer. This was a once off idea and we had to put a lot of hard work and effort into it. While the parents had meetings on how much money each of them should give, the children were thinking of different ways to raise money.

Different people suggested lots of ideas and finally we agreed to do a sponsored silence for two or three hours. About three weeks later we did the sponsored silence and it was a great success. We raised a lot of money and it was all put to the good cause.

When Mr. John Meaney bought the computer and eventually brought it into school there was a great deal of excitement and happiness. He set it up in the comer of our classroom and it is still there. We got three discs with it and later on in the year Ann O'Haire brought in some more. Every day three or four people are allowed to use the computer for half an hour. Each one has learned how to use it since it first cam~. Besides playing games on it we also use it to type andprint things such as stories, letters, notices and not to mention our names and addresses.

All in all the computer is of great educational value and is a fun way to learn.

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