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: Wednesday April 12th 2017

Canon Thomas Killeen

A gathering on Inis Mor circa 1939 outside the priests house.
Back Row L to R; Fr. Thomas Concannon, Fr. Thomas Burke, Fr. John Killeen, Fr. Gerard Mitchell, Fr. Louis Hennelly, Fr. Stephen Conneely, C.S.S.R., Fr. Thomas Morley, Fr. Malachy Eaton, Fr. James Fergus, Fr. Thomas Martin, Fr. Martin Hopkins, Fr. Thomas Eagan, Fr. George Quinn.
Front Row L to R; Fr. James Heaney, Fr. John O'Grady, Fr. Bernard Eaton, Archbhishop Joseph Walshe, Fr. Thomas Killeen, Fr. Patrick Joyce, Fr. Andrew Moran

An account of the Kilmeena Ambush by Canon Killeen, reprinted in the Mayo News, March 02, 1994.